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Star Tetrahedron Metatron's Cube

Representation of the Universe: Metatron’s Cube is thought to represent the pattern of creation and the framework of the cosmos. Its intricate structure symbolizes the underlying geometric patterns found throughout the universe. The Star Tetrahedron or "Merkaba" Translates to light body or ascension vehicle.



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The artist

Dillon Forte

Austin, Texas

My work is dedicated to the sacred geometric nature of existence. It is my belief that through geometry we can gain a greater awareness of the true meaning of life. From the microcosm to the macrocosm, there are mathematical relationships that underlie the fundamental structure of our universe. The purpose of this work is to illuminate these mysteries.

Tattoo info



Purchasing this tattoo does not include time with the artist to have this design physically tattooed.

Design details

1443 remaining

/ 1 sold


Blackwork, Fine Line, Geometric


Dillon Forte 2024